Home Another season is upon
us, and it's time to get things ready for the first games on Players will need to enter
their picks for the coming week by the due date. Make your selections online
at www.OfficeFBP.com/fbp2012 or
print a pick sheet on the website and be sure to return your sheet by the
date and time shown to Woody at fax number The website www.OfficeFBP.com/fbp2012 will have the current consensus,
pick sheets and results weekly. If you wish to receive a consensus
sheet (picks for all players) for the current week include a FAX NUMBER
that is ready at all times, because I will not be able to send one to your
location if you must receive a phone call first. A separate fee
of $1.00/per week ($17.00 for a weekly player) will be required for
those requesting a fax of the consensus and results each week. If more than
one player is at the same fax number, the fee will only apply once for the
same fax number. This additional fee is due at the same time as your entry
fees. If you have internet access, you can save this fee by getting your
weekly consensus sheet and results from the web page shown previously. Make your weekly
selections by marking each games winner and giving that game a confidence
number based on how strong you feel about the outcome. For a sixteen game
week, confidence points 1 to 16 are used. You can use a number only once with
the highest number (16) going to the game you feel the strongest about and
the lowest number (1) to the game you are least confident about its outcome.
A fourteen game week would use points 1 to 14 and so forth. If the team you
selected wins that game, the confidence points you assigned are awarded and a
total for the week is determined. If a game ends in a tie, everyone wins that
game and receives the confidence points they assigned for that game.
The tie breaker, total points scored for both teams of the Monday night game,
is used to break ties in the event more than one player has the same total
confidence points for that week with the winner going to the one whose total
score is closest to the actual total of the game score. Remember to indicate
the total score on your pick sheet. Please note- If you forget to make
a pick or enter a confidence number for a given game or forget to indicate
total points, I will fill in what I can figure out but will not
be able to contact you to get the correction. If you have any questions, you
can contact me at the email address below or call and leave a message at the
number below. If a weekly player forgets to get their picks in by the
weekly deadline (usually before the first game that week for internet
access), they will receive the default picks for the week. The default
picks are all visiting teams and confidence points assigned 1 to number of
games top to bottom and the default
picks cannot win a week. Each week $1.00 of the entry fee is paid out to the players with the highest total for confidence points (60% to 1st place, 30% to 2nd and 10% to 3rd) and the other $1.00 goes toward the final pot to be paid out at the end of the season to the top ten players with highest total accumulated confidence points. Places 4 thru 10 are paid out based on your entry fee of $38 so 10th place returns the entry fee 9th is 1.5 times the entry fee, 8th is 2 times the entry fee, 7th is 2.5 times the fee, etc. The remaining balance will be paid out 60% to 1st place, 30% to 2nd and 10% to 3rd. In the case of a tie any given week, the total payout is split equally among the winners. At season end, ties for the top spots split the winnings for the places they hold, a tie for 1st and 2nd would split 90% of the total while a tie for 2nd and 3rd would split 50% of the total and so forth. The post season playoff will use the same percentages for winners. Please send your fee to the address listed below by the deadline indicated. Update your user information on the website or on your first sheet please include an address where your winnings would be sent. If you are interested in receiving a weekly consensus sheet and weekly recap (additional fee as shown above), include a fax number where it can be sent. Also, include a phone number where you can be reached if we have any questions, you have forgotten to mark a game or a total score. Make checks payable to Harley
Woodhouse and send fees to: Harley Woodhouse, Contact me at email
address admin@OfficeFBP.com
or call my Cell Phone at |